Collins Signal Volume VIII Nov-Dec 1960


Front Cover: A tethered balloon with reflecting liner was an important research tool, in field experiments conducted by Collins’ Cedar Rapids.  Research Division to learn more about the phenomenon of tropospheric scatter.

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Collins Signal was founded in 1933, is published by the Public Relations Department of Collins Radio Company. Issues released in the 1960s and 70s were edited by Ben Stearns, the author of Arthur Collins Radio Wizard. These copies of the Signal came from the Rockwell Collins Technical Library when the library was eliminated. This issue contains the following articles:

  • Astronaut’s Preview
  • Pacific Missile Range
  • Business Flying
  • Short Signals
  • Offshore Oil SSB
  • Probing Scatter Medium
  • Texas-New Mexico Line

Additional information

Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 9 in


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