Amateur Single Sideband by Collins Radio Company 1962


Amateur Single Sideband by Collins was printed in 1962 featuring the Collins S-Line station in the preface, it started with a history of SSB and covered the amateur SSB station featuring the new Collins S-Line equipment.

1 in stock


This book is in new condition with no markings inside.

Amateur Single Sideband by Collins was printed in 1962 featuring the Collins S-Line station in the preface, it started with a history of SSB, here is the first paragraph.

In the early days of radio, little was known about sidebands. The concept of an amplitude-modulated signal being a composite rather than an indivisible whole was not well defined and was a subject open to vigorous controversy. In 1914 it was established mathematically that an amplitude-modulated wave consistes of a carrier and two identical sidebands which are spaced above and below the carrier by an amount equal to the modulating frequency. The following year experiments were conducted at the US Naval Radio Station in Arlington, Virginia, using very low frequencies with an antenna which was tuned to pass one sideband and attenuate the other. This tended to substantiate the concept of a composite wave and, in addition, indicated that one sideband contained all the elements necessary for voice transmission. Another investigator had found that injection of the carrier frequency at the receiver improved detection of the received signal. These discoveries paved the way for development of the concept of single-sideband transmission and reception.

Chapters include:

  1. Introduction to Single Sideband
  2. The Nature of SSB Signals
  3. Single-Sideband Exciters
  4. R-F Linear Amplifiers
  5. Single-Sideband Receivers
  6. Tests and Measurements
  7. The Amateur SSB Station

I worked at Collins Radio for 34 years, through 3 company name changes. These are some of my Rockwell International Collins and Collins Radio Collectables that I have picked up over those years. I am thinning out my collection now that I need smaller space. Realize that I am still keeping some things.