1948 Radio Handbook, ARRL The Radio Amateur’s Handbook


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We found this nice 1948 Radio Handbook, our radio tech shelf is full so it needs a new home. These handbooks cover similar amateur radio topics but have new and different material each year. Different projects, different technologies as they come into use. As the handbook is only so large, interesting subjects and materials that are older tech get reduced space, or have to be omitted completely. For that reason I have half a dozen different handbooks myself. they range from early 1930s to the present. For good tube circuits you would certainly want some older ones. For add-ons to use with classic 1970s transceivers, a handbook from the 70s would be nice.

Contents of the 1948 Manual:

  1. Amateur Radio
  2. Electrical Laws and Circuits
  3. Vacuum-Tube Principles
  4. High-Frequency Communication
  5. High-Frequency Receivers
  6. High-Frequency Transmitters
  7. Power Supplies
  8. Keying and Break-In
  9. Radiotelephony
  10. Antennas and Transmission Lines
  11. About VHF
  12. VHF Receivers
  13. VHF Transmitters
  14. VHF Antennas
  15. UHF and Microwaves
  16. Measuring Equipment
  17. Assembling a Station
  18. The Amateur’s Workshop
  19. Eliminating Broadcast Interference
  20. Operating a Station
  21. Message Handling
  22. Emergency Operation
  23. League Operating Organization
  24. Miscellaneous Data
  25. Vacuum-Tube Data